Welcome to a New School Year!

Dear Parents and Guardians of GCMS,

I am thrilled to welcome you all to the 2023-2024 school year at GCMS! As the newly appointed principal, I am excited to join this remarkable school community alongside Assistant Principal Bart Woods. Our journey together promises to be one of growth, collaboration, and unwavering dedication to the success of every student.

At GCMS, we firmly believe that building strong relationships among parents, students, and staff is absolutely essential for creating a thriving educational environment. Our primary goal is unequivocally to ensure the success and well-being of our students. To achieve this, we will prioritize empowering student agency and fostering an inclusive atmosphere where every child feels valued and supported. We plan to accomplish this by integrating Aztec hours into each day of the week with dynamic and engaging learning experiences that aim to ignite a passion for learning that will stay with our students for a lifetime.

Assistant Principal Bart Woods and I are committed to providing a rich and diverse learning experience for every student. By cultivating a growth mindset and nurturing their unique talents, we will help our students unlock their full potential. Over the next few weeks, we will collaboratively develop a comprehensive improvement plan that reflects the aspirations of our school community. Academic excellence, character development, and holistic growth will be at the heart of our endeavors.

We at the school value the relationships we have with parents and the community. Your help and involvement are essential for our students to succeed. We encourage you to participate in school activities, communicate with us openly, and share your ideas and goals for our school. Let's start the new school year with enthusiasm, determination, and a shared commitment to creating a better future for our students. I am excited about what lies ahead and I look forward to meeting you all in person.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to Assistant Principal Bart Woods or me. We are here to listen and support the remarkable work of our GCMS community. Together, let's make the 2023-2024 school year a resounding success, leaving a legacy of excellence that will shape the lives of our students for years to come.

With great anticipation,

Mr. Luis Posada

Principal, GCMS

Luis Posada